Vice Dean for Financial Affairs
Erasmus coordinator
Analysis of Interactions and Effectiveness in Managing ESI Projects in Croatian Higher Education: Insights from Empirical Research
Pedagogical Strategies for Female Students in IT Disciplines to Promote Gender Equality: The Case of Five European Universities
Learning environmental data analysis for everyone
Augmented Reality: Current and New Trends in Education
Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation: Measuring readiness and needs of Croatian companies
Powerful learning using augmented reality - ATOMIC project experience
Extended Reality in Education and Training: Case Studies in Management Education
Online and in-class computer science teacher training - Oracle Academy program experiences
Sustainable and smart use of cultural heritage in tourism in the City of Šibenik – the results of the SHARE project implementation
Education for technology transfer to small and medium entrepreneurship - Results of the T4 project implementation
Engaging students in computer science with extracurricular projects – Oracle Academy Workshops in a Box use case
Creating an information system for integrated passenger transport - the results of the Step-Up project implementation
Enhancing digital competences of Croatian teachers of informatics - Oracle Academy use case
Marketing of common technology based products, services and processes
Recommendations and examples of good e-learning practice in Croatian higher education
Design and analysis of information systems
Information System of Higher Education Institutions - Use Case for Polytechnic in Sibenik
Mobile applications in higher education
The availability of modern information technologies on Croatian islands
Mobile applications for Croatian tourism
Uvod u objektno orijentirano programiranje s primjerima
The application of information technologies for management of protected areas and protected natural values of Croatia
Modeling of software failure cost in ERP systems
Widespread application of information and communication technologies in small hotel enterprises
Reliability modelling of enterprise resource planning software
Application of reliability prediction model adapted for the analysis of the ERP system
Optimal parameter choice in modeling of ERP system reliability
Using NHPP model for ERP software module reliability growth
Developing operational profile for ERP software module reliability prediction
The impact of multi-core processor on web server performance
Concurrency analysis of shared-memory multiprocessors