The Polytechnic of Šibenik strongly supports international cooperation in education and research. Our main goal is to improve the internationalization and quality of teaching programmes, to exchange expertise and best practices with other countries and to ensure the compliance of our graduates’ skills with the continuously changing needs of the international labour market. The instruments to reach these goals are the students and staff mobility, close collaboration with similar institutions abroad and participation in international projects. This is why we are making agreements with quality institutions of higher education and research in Europe.
The current priorities of our international cooperation strategy are:
- Further development of our programmes in accordance with European standards and with the achievements of our partners,
- International acknowledgement of the education provided by the Polytechnic,
- Mobility of students, teachers and staff,
- Participation in and organization of international projects and conferences,
- Use of opportunities of Erasmus and other Lifelong Learning Programmes.
The Polytechnic has fully implemented the Bologna degree structure and ECTS system. All our courses are described according to European standards, facilitating comparability of our programmes with similar programmes abroad.
For international students, the Polytechnic provides consultations in English language or the inclusion of students in courses thaught in English. Our goal is to develop full English modules for incoming students in the coming years.